Price Updates

Receive notifications about price changes to avoid selling at a loss.


Last Update a year ago

If we ever need to increase the price of a product or shipping service, we will give you a notification to help you avoid selling at a loss. You can also set up a pricing rule so that the price will automatically change for you when we update ours. Watch our video to learn how to create a pricing rule.

You can find price increase notifications in 3 places:

1. The alert bar at the top of the screen features a bell on the right for notifications. When a price change has been submitted to us, this will show a warning which links to the inventory logs.

2. In the the inventory logs, where you can go directly to search for price changes.

3. When the price increases, the catalogue and inventory entries for the product will also show an up arrow by the price, and a note about the change for 3 days before it takes effect.

If the price decreases, this will take effect immediately, and you can see this in the Inventory logs.

You can have the system update your price for you by using our automated pricing rules functionality.

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